Saturday, September 13, 2008

Feline Aggression Toward Other Cats

It is always with concern when we witness what seems to be angry aggression between cats who have been good buddies in the past. Two cats will be engaged in mutual grooming one minute, and at the next, are locked in a tooth-and-claw battle. Our instinct is to break it up before someone gets hurt, and indeed, sometimes that intercession is called for. However, aggression between housemate cats comes in several forms. We need to fully understand these kinds of aggressive behavior so that we can take appropriate steps when needed.

These are forms of aggression between cats commonly seen:

Play Aggression:

Also called "play-fighting," it starts at an early age with littermates, or with non-related kittens sharing a household, but is not confined to kittens. One kitten will "stalk" the other, then pounce his unsuspecting prey, and the fun is on. You will then see them trade off roles, with the victim chasing his former predator. The "chase me" game is a favorite among many cats. Play-fighting is usually harmless fun. However, play aggression is the first step toward establishing a permanent hierarchy or "pecking order" among feline housemates.

Sexual Aggression:

Even neutered cats occasionally "feel their oats," especially if they were neutered after sexual maturity. Sexual aggression toward each other borders on what is call "Dominance" aggression, or territorial aggression. Sexual aggression is easy to identify. The aggressor will bite the nape of the neck of the victim cat and attempt to mount him, with the same thrusting hip movements seen in male-female mating. You can discourage sexual aggression between cats by "scruffing". (Scruffing is performed by grasping the loose skin at the scruff of the neck of the aggressor cat, then gently, but firmly, pushing him down toward the floor. "Gently" is the optimum word here. Never use scruffing as punishment, but rather as a form of discipline. Scruffing is a close approximation of the actions a mother cat will take with a kitten.)

Territorial Aggression:

Territorial aggression can sometimes arise suddenly between two relatively evenly-matched cats, and can take place between male-male, male-female, or female-female. Territorial aggression in the form of fighting is often accompanied by urine spraying or "marking," which helps identify this form of aggression. The aggressor cat is not necessarily the older cat, nor the one who has been in the household the longest. He will preface his attack with much posturing: back raised, ears laid back, with accompanying growling and hissing, then leap on his victim and attempt to bite him on the back of the neck. In many cases, the "victim" cat will back down by turning and walking slowly away, and the social hierarchy process will have begun. Other times, the victim will give tit for tat, and a violent battle may ensue. Do not attempt to physically separate two fighting cats in the heat of emotion, they will not recognize you, and severe injury could result.
Most housemate cats will eventually resolve their disputes; one will reign as the "alpha cat," and the other will be satisfied with his lesser role in the "food chain “.

Overly zealous play aggression, sexual aggression, and most Territorial/Dominance Aggression can be dealt with effectively by distracting the cats and redirecting their energies toward play with a toy. Here are some ideas:
  • Clap your hands, then say "No!" or "Time Out!" in a loud voice.

  • Blow a whistle or sound an air horn

  • Hiss loudly. This is in imitation of their mother cat, a lesson cats remember well into adulthood. It can work effectively along with scruffing.

  • Provide the aggressor cat with a large stuffed toy, such as a teddy bear. Keep it aside as his own personal "surrogate victim," and throw it to him to redirect his attention away from his feline victim (after getting his attention).

  • After you've gotten their attention, bring out an interactive toy

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