Imagine being locked in a cage all day, or sleeping on the couch for 8 hours a day. Might sou
nd ideal to the average human, but day after day for your whole life, I think that we would all feel a little pent up energy. Dogs have to release their pent-up energy somehow and often do so in ways that frustrate us—such as digging, barking incessantly, and chewing up the lawn chairs. Frustration over such misdeeds lands far too many dogs in shelters. Its not the dogs fault. All he need is a little exercise.

Not all dogs require the same amount of exercise. Exercise needs have very little to do with size. Instead breed tends to count the most. For example Jack Russell Terriers and Shelties often begin to misbehave when given too few dog exercise opportunities. On the other hand, a mastiff, and many other large dogs may be happy with a couple of daily walks in the park.
Dogs should receive at least 60 minutes per day of physical exercise and 15 minutes of training to be happy, well-adjusted dogs. One very important factor to consider is that dogs need physical exercise in addition to mental exercise in the form of training or other tasks. Many dogs

Here are some suggestions of exercise that your dog will enjoy:
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